5 MORE Tips For Your Web Design

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the quality and quantity of website traffic to a website or a web page from search engines.

And believe it or not, how you design your website matters when it comes to growing that traffic. This is because SEO and web design are tightly linked. So if you want your website to stand out in the crowded online space, these SEO tips are a must.

Mobile Responsiveness
Today we can access websites on all kinds of mobile devices. Computers, mobile phones, and tablets all have different-sized screens. So this calls for different styles of website layouts and designs. Making sure your site adjusts according to which device users are accessing it on is imperative. Your SEO is at risk of being negatively affected if it is not optimized for mobile-friendliness.

Responsive design makes your site accessible to all of these devices, allowing for adjustments to site design and the elimination of duplicate content.

Here are a few design examples to ensure your site functions on all devices:
Make sure your call-to-action buttons are large enough.
Add responsive images.
Hire an agency to keep your site healthy and functioning. Less work for you and faster fixes!

This next tip might seem a bit obvious. However, it may come as a surprise that this design mistake isn’t uncommon. Make sure your potential customers can easily read your content. Choosing the right font, text size, and font color can affect your SEO rank. Consider using the same font throughout your site, keeping your design clean and easy to read.

Your content should be clear to your target audience, consisting of concise and to-the-point text that gets important information across easily. Shorter paragraphs will keep your audience engaged longer and feel less overwhelmed.

Key Words
Keywords tell search engines what your content/website is about. These keywords relate to questions users ask search engines when looking for products and services. You should use certain target keywords in the URL, meta description, and title tag for the most impact. Each of your web pages should have a descriptive keyword in their URL, which describes the content of your page. This is especially important if you want to incorporate blog posts into your website layout! The keyword should be directly related to what your topic is about.

Make sure to divide the URL words by hyphens instead of underscores. These descriptive words help search engines understand your page, as well as help rank your website higher. So when users type in that specific keyword, they are more likely to find you!

File size
Incorporating images into your site is a must. The visual appeal this can bring is important when it comes to attracting new visitors but beware of the size of the image file you are using. Too large of a file, although it might be high quality and look nice, can slow down page load times. This is a common mistake web designers make when setting up a site, which lowers their SEO rank dramatically.

If your website takes too long to load, your visitors are less likely to look around and your bounce rate will increase.

When you do have an image with an appropriate file size, consider the following:
Name your images. Describe what your image is about.
Use descriptive alt text to optimize your image and identify the image for users with vision impairments.

ADA Compliance
The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) now includes accessibility for online spaces. The Department of Justice (DOJ) takes the stance that Title III of the ADA includes all public-facing websites used by companies.

Keeping your site ADA-compliant helps improve your SEO rank. This is possible with the use of:
Title tags to enhance the accuracy of screen readers.
Descriptive alt text for the visually impaired, describing the content of the webpage.
Proper heading and subheading structure for those who have limited reading comprehension or cognitive impairments.

Implementing these strategies will not only enhance your site’s visibility on search engines but also improve the overall user experience. If you’d like to learn more about SEO services, reach out to Etactics. And you already made it this far into the video, so you might as well like it, share it, and comment below.

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